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Tor porn

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Any ‘unnatural’ use of the English language is due to me translating as literal as possible, avoiding (mis)interpretation. Wire Update News has an English-language article here, but I decided to translate myself the full August 31st press release from the Dutch Public Prosecutor (see below). Some believe (credits to for enlightening me) that the August 2011 spike in Tor users via bridges may be related to the Dutch police investigation on Tor hidden services hosting child pornography, which also took place during that month. On September 3rd 2011, Cryptome published Massive Automated Tor Bridge Requests: Why? from the Tor-talk mailinglist. Also see this and this response to my question on tor-talk - the latter mentions simpler / more likely explanations for the spike. I know hidden services and bridge connections are orthogonal I’m considering the scenario where Dutch govt and Fox-IT are attempting some Tor-level attack - I don’t know whether expected benefit of successful attack would justify its cost though.

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For better information than my speculative thoughts, see the tor-talk mailinglist. UPDATE : new spike in bridge connections occurring as we speak. UPDATE : let me emphasize that the Dutch investigation and the spike are probably only correlated there is no evidence for any causal relation.

Tor porn